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Friday, May 17, 2013

Getting close to leaving

We're leaving on our big trip Tuesday, May 21st.  Have been really busy -- I am a list person and for this trip, I have a notebook full of lists:  "To Do", "To Buy", "To Bring", etc.  It seems like we will get it all done though.  Slept in the r-pod Tuesday night for the first time.  The bed was comfortable and Poppy settled in, though she seemed pretty nervous at first.  When we leave on Tuesday, we'll go to a state campground in Jamestown, VA and spend three nights there, getting to know the RV and all its systems.  Then we'll head up to Justin's for a Memorial Day staycation with all the family - can't wait!
We are bringing our new canoe as well as our bikes.  Took Poppy to West Marine today for a "fitting" for a life jacket.  Bob wants to take her in the canoe with us.  I'm not too sure about that!


  1. What a wonderful trip you've got going. Would love to hear more about the R-Pod, and see the platform you made in the truck for Poppy. Where does she stay when you go on bike rides? Can't wait for the next installment.
    Jennifer & Thomas

  2. Hi Jennifer and Thomas: I will post more about the R-pod in my next blog. I'm hoping I can steal an image of the floor plan from the r-pod website. It's hard to take a picture inside it that shows what it's really like. So far we have mostly been in the mountains so haven't taken any long bike rides -- just around the campsites. Taking Poppy on this trip has been much easier than we thought it would be. She's been really good. If we go to town for lunch, we just walk her around town with us and then put her in the truck while we eat lunch. The day we went to Acadia National Park, we put her in a doggy day care for the day.
